About OCC

Old Computer Challenge community is a smol group of enthusiasts, who like to use old computer hardware and every year come together to challenge themselves in spending a single week in July exclusively with machines many would consider outdated.

Members of the community have been observed to favor the command line and prefer applications with a Text-based User Interface (a.k.a.: TUI).

Solène Rapenne began the Old Computer Challenge in July 2021 with the initial 7 day 512M of RAM task. Since then the challenge brought together a following of retro computing and digital minimalism enthusiasts.

Current challenge

2024 DIY edition

13-20. July

like it's 1999

This year's topic is simple. Challenge yourself to the best of your abilities. Whether it's a slower computer, obscure OS, or limiting your internet, it's up to you what you make this year's challenge about. It's always a good idea to get inspired by other challengees!


We hope you will join us in the challenge or just hang out with the community. The past years have shown us that the challenge has something for everybody, often resulting in some unexpected effects which turn the participation into a learning experience. Everyone participates in a way that matches their personal skill.

Whether you are a complete IT noob or a hardcore hacker, you are welcome to join! There are no prizes to win, but you might just learn a thing or two.

Join the IRC channel #oldcomputerchallenge, and/or the forum, and let us know about your experience. As is tradition, participants who wish to share their experience publically, will be listed on this website.